The best way to explore the Eastern Gulf of Finland National Park is by boating or sailing.
The Eastern Gulf of Finland National Park archipelago mostly consists of storm-lashed rocky islets but also larger wooded islands. This is where you can watch some of the finest spring migrations in Europe as flocks of millions of Arctic birds fly over the area on their way to the nesting grounds in the north. On the islands, you can hear true stories and legends of war history, trade and smuggling in the area.
The best way to explore the Eastern Gulf of Finland National Park is by boating or sailing.
Fishing is popular in the eastern Gulf of Finland.
From the towers of Ulko-Tammio or Mustaviiri, you can observe the migration of Arctic waterfowl, known as arktika
Geocaching, skiing, nature information hut, paddling, sights and scenery, guided group tours, diving, voluntary work
Here you can see storm-beaten rock faces, forested island far out in the sea, lush groves and meadows by the waterside.
Nature at the siteHere you will find vibrant archipelago villages, a mysterious stone labyrinth, one point of the Struve Geodetic Arc World Heritage Site, and the WWII fortifications on Ulko-Tammio.
History of the destination