Respect nature.
Do not damage plants, stack stones or modify the terrain.

Read and follow the rules and regulations of the area.
Landing is not always allowed, e.g., because of seals or birds. Take the protected ringed seal into consideration in Lake Saimaa.

Always wear a buoyancy vest and equip yourself well for weather conditions.
Only navigate the water under conditions you are prepared for.

Learn the rules of water traffic.
Favour marked fairways when boating. Avoid fairways intended for boats when paddling.

Favour marked landing points and take others into account.
Do not move around or land near people’s yards.

Follow the outdoor etiquette.
Only make fire where it is permitted and only when no wildfire warnings have been issued. Take your rubbish away with you. Only pitch your tent on sites where camping is allowed.

Do not wash the dishes or yourself directly in a water body.

Use a dry toilet.
If you don’t have access to one, relieve yourself further away and cover your waste. Empty your boat’s dirty water only at septic tank discharge points, not in the water.